Integral management of doctoral education in Cuban universities
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The management of doctoral training in Cuban universities has been a complex process, which has gone through different management approaches. The Ministry of Higher Education, with the advisory body of the National Commission of Scientific Degrees, outlined the policy and established the legal and methodological regulations to manage doctoral training; however, the authorized universities and research centers have managed this process differently and the required quality standards were not always achieved, so this work aimed to support the comprehensive management of doctoral training in the Cuban university. The theoretical pillars were based on the dimensions, sub-dimensions and indicators and on the dynamics of the directive cycle of the theory of integral management of university processes. Likewise, the principles of the management of doctoral training and the contents of the dimensions and subdimensions of university management were established, with emphasis on pedagogical aspects. As a general conclusion, the integral management of doctoral education in Cuban universities was based on theory and practice, contextualized to the current socio-labor and economic conditions of Cuba. The work provides the theoretical-methodological foundations to manage doctoral training in Cuban universities, which constitutes a result of the research, development and innovation project Management of the doctoral training process and its internationalization, with code PS223LH001-064, associated to the sectorial program Higher Education and Sustainable Development, of the Ministry of Higher Education of Cuba.
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