Strategy to Introduction of Scientific Results in the Primary School

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Mercedes Camejo Puentes
Daniel Agustín Rojas Plasencia
Mirian Camejo Puentes


The article presents a strategy to optimize the process of introducing scientific results related to the teaching-learning process of Geometry in Primary School. The strategy focuses on the socialization of scientific results, in training and stimulation of directives and teachers for the development of innovation projects. The experience was developed in the municipality of Pinar del Rio. Among the most outstanding results are the training of directives and teachers as well as the elaboration of projects of institutional innovation, related to the process of teaching and learning Geometry.


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How to Cite
Camejo Puentes, M., Rojas Plasencia, D. A., & Camejo Puentes, M. (2016). Strategy to Introduction of Scientific Results in the Primary School. Mendive. Journal on Education, 14(2), 195–202. Retrieved from


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