Teacher preparation for inclusion educational. Manual of activities and methodological guidelines/La preparación del docente para la inclusión educativa. Manual de actividades y orientaciones metodológicas

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Belkis Moreno Corrales
Lázaro Jesús Cordero Echevarria
María Cristina Salabarria Marquez


Educational care in Cuba for people with Special Educational Needs is one of its main achievements. Having guaranteed everyone's access to education and having made available to them the material and human resources necessary to integrate them into society with equal rights and duties explains the nobility of this work, however, we cannot fail to recognize the new approaches that have been developed in the face of the educational care model, where the economic and social transformations in which our society is immersed have substantially influenced. As a starting point, an assessment is made of the different positions in the study and the preparation of the teacher on educational inclusion, investigating through observation, the survey of practicing and training teachers, and an interview that was applied to them to the families to know the level of preparation they have regarding the willingness to collaborate in the activities carried out by children with educational needs. To address this problem, the authors propose a manual for the improvement of teachers that contains activities that revolve around a group of audiovisuals, selected for the sensitivity of the topics they address and for the way, no less touching, in which the In addition, the necessary methodological elements are provided for the extrapolation of each activity to the family and the community as a complement to the actions to achieve adequate educational inclusion.


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How to Cite
Moreno Corrales, B., Cordero Echevarria, L. J., & Salabarria Marquez, M. C. (2021). Teacher preparation for inclusion educational. Manual of activities and methodological guidelines/La preparación del docente para la inclusión educativa. Manual de actividades y orientaciones metodológicas. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(2), 609–626. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/2010
Author Biographies

Belkis Moreno Corrales, Cede Universitaria Municipal de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Municipio Mantua

Profesora del departamento de formación del CUM Mantua. Coordinadora de la carrera Educación Primaria

Lázaro Jesús Cordero Echevarria, Educación

Profesor a tiempo parcial  del departamento de formación del CUM Mantua. Carrera Educación Primaria

María Cristina Salabarria Marquez, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Vicerrectora relaciones internacionales y extensión universitaria


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