Evaluating the impact of vocational training on students of non-pedagogical university courses
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This article is based on the need to evaluate the impact of vocational training on education professionals, specifically on university professors of university courses. The objective was to offer a methodology for evaluating the impact of vocational training on students of non-pedagogical university courses, based on the investigative-certificate method of evidence of impacts from a teaching-learning dimension, socio-laboral linkage, scientific-technical and methodological preparation and the performance of the subjects. Quantitative pre-experimental research was carried out using the methods of analysis, synthesis, system approach, observation and the chi-square statistic that allowed to verify the existence of favorable impacts on higher education professionals working in non-pedagogical courses. The study concludes by stating that the methodology provided contributed to improving the performance of higher education professionals (teachers) in the evaluation of the objective or distorted effects that occur in the process and result of the vocational training of students in non-pedagogical university courses for decision-making for their continuous and systematic monitoring. The methodology can be applied in all universities, in business contexts and in universities that train health professionals with the relevant adjustments.
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