An approach to the theoretical backgrounds of a developing didactic c onception of the French Language teaching learning process in Exact Sciences Preuniversities

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Rafael Cabrera Cabrera
Juan Silvio Cabrera Albert


To continue impr oving the teaching process of the French language to students in the second year of the Foreign Languages at the University of Pedagogical Sciences “Rafael Maria de Mendive Daumy”, Pinar del Río , it has been suggested a Methodological Alternative for the T eaching Language Career with French as Second Language for the development of communicative skills. This alternative refers the methodological orientations about how to use the alternative. Besides, it refers the definition of communicative tasks, and a se t of communicative tasks which ha ve been elaborated according to the objectives and contents of the French language program


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How to Cite
Cabrera Cabrera, R., & Cabrera Albert, J. S. (2014). An approach to the theoretical backgrounds of a developing didactic c onception of the French Language teaching learning process in Exact Sciences Preuniversities. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(1), 33–39. Retrieved from


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