Didactic strategies to promote meaningful learning aimed at university students

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Nilton Rogger Niño Morante
Magaly Natalie Uceda Bazán
Fiorela Anaí Fernández Otoya
Maryuri Garcia Gonzalez


The ability to solve problems is very necessary to develop in Higher Education students, since it will allow them to progressively enhance their cognitive and metacognitive skills in the face of challenges or incidents that they may face in the near future, likewise, it is important that teachers generate lasting, significant learning in students so that they are capable of transferring to other situations. Currently, the development of the ability to solve problems is not developed properly. This problem is due to the lack of use of sufficient strategies to achieve the stated goals and, more often than not, teachers are not prepared to face these difficulties. Which have seriously affected the teaching process of students, currently this situation increases the gap due to the pandemic, that is why this research has been carried out due to the scarce educational resources used by the teacher in the virtual classroom to improve student learning and make these meaningful learning. This document is a systematic review article, descriptive type, qualitative approach, because the authors use their perception based on what was found on the respective topic, it also has a non-experimental method. Specifying its objective in: To carry out a logical trend analysis for the systematic vision of meaningful learning in higher education, as a guide for other investigations.


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How to Cite
Niño Morante, N. R., Uceda Bazán, M. N., Fernández Otoya, F. A., & Garcia Gonzalez, M. (2022). Didactic strategies to promote meaningful learning aimed at university students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(4), 1297–1309. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3090
Author Biography

Maryuri Garcia Gonzalez, Universidad de la Habana. CEPES

Profesora Titular – Investigadora y Subdirectora de Ciencia – Técnica e Innovación del Centro de Estudios para el Perfeccionamiento de la Educación Superior. CEPES. Universidad de la Habana. Cuba.


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