Impact of web tools on the motivation of students in Introduction to Telecommunications

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Luis Rolando Roba Iviricu
José Alexis Trujillo Sainz
Meivys Páez Paredes
Taymí Breijo Worozs


The article presents a research on the design of web tools with the objective of presenting its design for the teaching-learning process in the Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering career, specifically in the Electronics and Radiocommunications Systems discipline, in order to improve the quality of training through the implementation of innovative educational resources. It was carried out at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", and the universe was constituted by students and professors of the Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering career. Several methods were used: analysis-synthesis, to identify trends in the use of technological tools in learning; hypothetical-deductive, to guide the research; and historical-logical, to contextualize the development and evolution of these tools in the educational field. During the diagnostic process, surveys were applied to teachers and students to specify the contents to be included. Using descriptive statistical methods, such as frequencies and percentages, the information was summarized. Two web tools were designed and implemented with Xara Web Designer and WordPress, serving as guides for students and familiarizing them with essential concepts. The acceptance of these tools underscores the importance of including innovative educational resources in the training of graduates in Telecommunications and Electronic Engineering. The acceptance of these tools highlights the importance of including innovative educational resources in the training of graduates in Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering. The web tools improved the motivation and learning of the students, boosting their academic and professional development.


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Roba Iviricu, L. R., Trujillo Sainz, J. A., Páez Paredes, M., & Breijo Worozs, T. (2025). Impact of web tools on the motivation of students in Introduction to Telecommunications . Mendive. Journal on Education, 23(1), e3871. Retrieved from


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