Pedagogical model for the training of pedagogical oral communication in Computer Science students
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Pedagogical oral communication is currently presented as a social need that transcends all educational levels and, especially, the training of Education professionals. For these reasons, the objective was to develop a pedagogical model for the improvement of the training process of pedagogical oral communication, which is implemented through a strategy for students of the Bachelor's degree in Computer Education, from the University of Pinar del Río. A dialectical conception of research was used that had the dialectical-materialist method as a methodological basis, for which a system of theoretical and empirical methods and statistical techniques were used. As a novel element, this systemic model was conceived from the triad of the instructional, educational and developer, in transit through the elementary, intermediate and advanced stages, articulating in the groups of the academic years and in the communication strategy, to give it an outlet. to the academic, labor, investigative and extension aspects, mediated by didactic management and the relationships established between the Comprehensive Practice of the Spanish Language and Labor and Investigative Practice disciplines. Through the focus groups, the results were obtained for the theoretical and practical validation of the proposal, and the pedagogical experiment in its pre-experimental variant was used for the practical validation of the strategy. The results obtained demonstrated that the model meets the requirements to contribute to the training process of the pedagogical oral communication of the future professional and to its integral preparation.
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