Active Learning in Higher Education. Strategy in virtuality

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Pedro Luis Alfonzo


The global pandemic and the isolation, social, preventive and mandatory arranged by different government and university estates, which led educational institutions to adapt the curricular activities that were developed in person to the virtual modality using new didactic strategies that required the use of technologies. In this sense, in learning with the virtual modality, the autonomy of the student in learning is important to strengthen their cognitive maturity, in addition to active learning that allows them to form critical thinking, among others. Active Learning is considered as a didactic strategy where the active participation of the student with their learning process is promoted. Therefore, this work presents an innovative strategy of the application of Active Learning as a learning strategy in a higher education context, with a view to contributing to the professional training of students who are studying a degree course in a virtual / remote, way through the application of new didactic strategies in the face of the impossibility of implementing face-to-face activities. The results show that the didactic strategy applied was highly positive.


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How to Cite
Alfonzo, P. L. (2023). Active Learning in Higher Education. Strategy in virtuality. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(2), e3109. Retrieved from


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