Methodological strategy for the development of the ability to calculate in junior high school students

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Wilmer Valle Castañeda


The strategy that it is proposed has as end to contribute to the development of the calculation abilities in the students, as of constituting this a problematic detected in the development of the process of learning teaching in the last ones five years. The same it is applied through the execution of the methodological work system of the school. This strategy will permit to propose to the student a generalizing procedure to resolve any type of calculation.


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How to Cite
Valle Castañeda, W. (2016). Methodological strategy for the development of the ability to calculate in junior high school students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 14(3), 220–226. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Wilmer Valle Castañeda, Universidad Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca

Licenciado en Educación, especialidad de Matemática. Instructor.


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