The documental management of the Educational Secretary as guarantee of legality in the control of the university processes

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Neyda Armenteros Arencibia
Débora Mainegra Fernández


The pedagogic professional formation aspires to obtain superior results in the documental management in order to guarantee the required confidence in the norms and p rocedures. The present article deal the theoretical bases that should be took into account for such aspiration, making emphasis in the characteristics of this process in the faculty of Infantile Education of the U CP the Pinar del Río.


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How to Cite
Armenteros Arencibia, N., & Mainegra Fernández, D. (2015). The documental management of the Educational Secretary as guarantee of legality in the control of the university processes. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(3), 286–293. Retrieved from


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