The contextualization of the teaching-learning process of General Chemistry in pedagogical professional training
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Contextualizing the teaching-learning process of the General Chemistry discipline in the bachelor's degree in Chemical Education is a demand for further education in higher education, so that students prepare themselves in real situations. In the exploratory study, regularities were observed related to the use of the local context as a concrete space that allows the link between theoretical contents and the daily practical activity of teaching the subject chemistry. This article aims to propose teaching tasks for the treatment of contextualized chemical contents, based on epistemological analysis about how to conceive integrality in pedagogical vocational training, the training is designed to help prepare people for problems in their daily life and to help them solve problems at different levels of difficulty. The general method of research is taken to be materialistic dialectics, as well as the use of theoretical and empirical methods. The historical analysis, the induction-deduction and the analysis-synthesis allow us to approach the fundamentals, characteristics and main constructs related to contextualization in vocational training and didactics. The use of tools made it easier to understand the initial status and the transformation achieved after the implementation of the strategy. The validation of the methodological indications enabled their practical evaluation. This result is introduced in the first year of the course, in which significant changes are observed in the professionalization, the recognition of the various contexts that enhance training in this specialty, as well as the integrality of the trainees.
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