The professional improvement of the teacher in educational prevention of child labor

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Marilis Feriz Otaño
Raida Rodríguez Rodríguez
Osvaldo Echevarría Ceballos


Society, faced with its constant transformation, demands professionals to permanently improve their preparation, with a view to showing a general culture, which is reflected in their professional performance, for which professional improvement constitutes a way to achieve such purposes. As a consequence of the current economic conditions, social problems arise and/or proliferate that require timely identification and attention from educational prevention, as is the case of child labor; In this way, educational prevention constitutes a challenge for teachers of pedagogical careers, based on the complex social scenarios that affect the educational context. The article aims to expose the diagnosis of the initial state of the professional improvement of teachers of pedagogical careers on the educational prevention of child labor. The teachers of the General Pedagogical Training discipline were selected as a sample. The dialectical-materialist method was assumed as a general method, and theoretical methods were also used, such as historical-logical analysis, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, hypothetical-deductive, modeling and systemic-structural-functional; among the empirical ones, document analysis, observation, interview and the technique of methodological triangulation were applied; Statistical methods, frequency distribution analysis, calculation of indicator indices were also used. As a result, the diagnosis and the regularities of the process of professional improvement of the teachers of the pedagogical careers on the educational prevention of child labor were obtained. Keywords: diagnosis, educational prevention, professional improvement, child labor.


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How to Cite
Feriz Otaño, M., Rodríguez Rodríguez, R., & Echevarría Ceballos, O. (2022). The professional improvement of the teacher in educational prevention of child labor. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(3), 953–969. Retrieved from


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