The schools of family education in technical and professional education: characterization of the current state

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Yuleibys Pedroso Valdés
Armando Acosta Iglesias


In current Technical and Professional Education, the study on how to efficiently develop family education schools occupies a significant place. In this sense, the purpose of the work was to characterize its status in the "Orlando Pantoja Tamayo" Polytechnic Center of the municipality of San Luis in the province of Pinar del Río. The investigative process was carried out on a dialectical-materialist basis and methods were used at the theoretical level, empirical level and statistical-mathematical, such as: the historical and logical, the system approach, the modeling, the analysis and the synthesis, the observation, the interview, the documentary analysis and descriptive statistics, the percentage analysis, which allowed the diagnosis of the educational reality and the evidence of the practical validity of the work. The results obtained allowed to verify the strengths and weaknesses present in the process, from which the actions for their improvement were redesigned.


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How to Cite
Pedroso Valdés, Y., & Acosta Iglesias, A. (2018). The schools of family education in technical and professional education: characterization of the current state. Mendive. Journal on Education, 16(1), 39–50. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Yuleibys Pedroso Valdés, Instituto Preuniversitario “Pedro García Veloz”

Licenciada en Educación, Especialista Informática

Armando Acosta Iglesias, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca"

Profesor investigador del Centro de Estudios Pedagógicos para la Educación General


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