Methodology for the management of learning objects in the Physics discipline

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Yusnelys Collazo Martínez
Meivys Paez Paredes


The introduction of learning objects in the educational field, especially in Universities, constitutes new challenges for teachers, researchers and students as it allows the use of more complete didactic resources for the teaching-learning process in any of the modalities of learning studies. This article; The objective was to propose a methodology for the management of learning objects for the teaching of Physics in the Agronomy career under the dialectical materialist conception and the use of methods using the analysis-synthesis, induction-deduction, documentary analysis methods, survey, as well as the determination of dimensions. The selected population was made up of first- and second-year students (78) of the Agronomy major at the University of Pinar del Río during the 2021-2022 academic year, professors from the Physics department and members of the Educational Technology Group. The methodology, is supported from the Educational Sciences, provides the steps to follow the object until its conservation and socialization. Contains two components; the first conceptual theoretical with an objective and foundations that support it and the second instrumental with four stages, each one with actions to be carried out. The results obtained allow us to improve the teaching process that is carried out in keeping with current times and established educational policies, encouraging both teachers and students to acquire the necessary skills and abilities to solve the proposed activities, to which is added collaborative work and share knowledge through virtual environments.


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Collazo Martínez, Y., & Paez Paredes, M. (2023). Methodology for the management of learning objects in the Physics discipline. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(4), e3594. Retrieved from


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