ICT in the Intensive Spanish subject: diagnosis in a Chinese university
Main Article Content
The appropriate integration of information and communication technologies into the curriculum contributes to achieving high-quality education. Both the international community and the Chinese government have launched various policies and actions to promote the integration of information and communication technologies in education. This research was motivated by the improvement of the integration of information and communication technologies in the curriculum of Intensive Spanish at Linyi University, so its objective is to diagnose the current state of this integration process. Based on a Materialist Dialectical approach, this research used quantitative and qualitative research methods and techniques. A survey was applied to 107 students who had participated in the curriculum of Intensive Spanish and to 5 teachers who had taught this curriculum. The results show that the integration of information and communication technologies in the curriculum of Intensive Spanish at Linyi University still shows limitations in the creation of the computerized teaching-learning environment, the application of new ways of teaching-learning, and the transformation of the traditional teaching-learning structure of Spanish. Thus, the need and direction for improving the integration of information and communication technologies in the curriculum of Intensive Spanish at Linyi University was concluded in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning of Spanish.
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