Attention to comprehensive tutoring in a Peruvian educational organization of regular basic education
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The objective of the research was to determine the perception of the comprehensive tutorial attention that the students of the fifth grade of secondary education of the IE 3054 La Flor, Carabayllo have because it is required to improve the achievement of students' skills in everyday life contexts through tutoring. The methodology used was quantitative approach, descriptive level quantitative approach, non-experimental and cross-sectional design. The method of analysis was statistical analysis. The research was carried out without conflicts of interest as informed consent was obtained. The study variable was called integral tutorial attention, which had individual and group tutoring as dimensions. The population consisted of 350 high school students and the sample was selected by the probabilistic and stratified method, made up of 185 students of this organization. Among the main results, individual tutoring in the indicator called corporal, 47.54 % obtained a high level, while in the group tutoring dimension, in the indicator called social help dimension, 56.28 % obtained a high level. The main conclusion was that 48.09% of the students perceived the tutorial attention as integral, while 6.01 % perceived it as low.
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