How to develop sex education among adolescents in high school, from the Spanish-Literature lessons ?

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Yanicet Rodríguez Marrero
Marialina García Escobio
Teresa Iglesias Hernández


This article deals with the treatment of sexual education for adolescents from the Spanish-Literature lessons in pr euniversity. It is based on contents that have become of paramount importance at the time of having a responsible sexuality, and in preventing risky behaviour on the STD (Sexual Transmitted Diseases). In its modelling various up-to-date concepts and appro aches that deal with this theme for its contextualization and enrichment of the educative models existing in Cuba were taken into consideration. It is considered that the formation of adolescents should be dealt with in the pedagogical context where the role of the teachers is of great significance from the point of view of the lesson.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Marrero, Y., García Escobio, M., & Iglesias Hernández, T. (2012). How to develop sex education among adolescents in high school, from the Spanish-Literature lessons ?. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(4), 348–354. Retrieved from


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