System of workshops to stimulate the professional motivation toward the Degree in Education in teaching Spanish and Literature in the students of the University of Pedagogical Sciences “Rafael María de Mendive” in Pinar del Rio

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Yelena Abreu Alvarado
Liliana Álvarez Alonso
Karina Machín Hernández


In the teaching-learning process, professional motivation plays an important role in the learner ́s education. This article presents a system of extra lesson workshops, to stimulate pedagogical professional motivation in the students of gro up 1, from the first year of the University of Pedagogical Sciences “Rafael María de Mendive” from Pinar del Río province. This work begins by the characterization of the workshops, the principles that guide its functioning, its characteristics and ultimat ely, a sample of them. This way, motivation is a leading aspect since it sets in constant reciprocal determination and transformation: the need of the personality, the reflection of the real world, and the fundamental way to achieve the preparation of the teacher to be in the school practice. The putting into practice of this system in the subject Language and Communication strengthens the language and the literature, as well as the development of motivation toward the profession in those students lacking of reasons to take over with authentic values, the quality of the teaching staff required in the new educational contexts.


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How to Cite
Abreu Alvarado, Y., Álvarez Alonso, L., & Machín Hernández, K. (2012). System of workshops to stimulate the professional motivation toward the Degree in Education in teaching Spanish and Literature in the students of the University of Pedagogical Sciences “Rafael María de Mendive” in Pinar del Rio. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(3), 246–252. Retrieved from


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