Experiential learning in postgraduate training: a didactic strategy

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Omar Silva Ramos
Marlié Martínez Llano
Liliana Margarita Martínez Hernández
Yadyra de la Caridad Piñera Concepción


Experiential learning allows for the development of personality from the cognitive, affective and attitudinal aspects, based on the role of experience, which is important both in undergraduate and graduate levels, in university education. For this reason, the objective of this article was to socialize a didactic strategy based on experiential learning as a recursive method in postgraduate training for the preparation of collaborating teachers of the Sucre Mission, in the Sucre State of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis, modeling, systems approach, empirical (participant observation, documentary review and consultation of specialists and mathematical statisticians) were used. The results of the diagnosis demonstrated inefficient development of experiential learning, poor use of the pedagogical experience of teachers and, therefore, poor connection of theory and practice, a product of the inadequate didactic instrumentation of experiential learning in postgraduate studies. The findings mentioned above allowed us to design a teaching strategy with a structure based on the Kolb cycle; its teaching structure has the following parts: cognitive imbalance, experiential interaction, Theorization, production, and metacognitive closure. The proposal was validated by specialist consultation, which demonstrated its relevance and feasibility, with all aspects evaluated as highly appropriate and appropriate. Experiential learning constituted a path to understanding and transforming reality from the combined perspective of individualization and socialization, through the interaction of theoretical and practical levels, supported by the subject's experiences.


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How to Cite
Silva Ramos, O., Martínez Llano, M., Martínez Hernández, L. M., & Piñera Concepción, Y. de la C. (2025). Experiential learning in postgraduate training: a didactic strategy . Mendive. Journal on Education, 23(1), e3874. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/3874


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