The training of the Caribbean cultural identity on the teacher of English
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The wholesome and competent training of the teacher of English at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca" presented limitations, as the contents of the Caribbean cultural identity were not worked on in a coherent and systemic way, so this article had as its objective to propose a set of strategic pedagogical-didactic actions to better the training process of the Caribbean cultural identity, in the teachers of English at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". The dialectical research paradigm was used and a set of methods at the theoretical level (analysis and synthesis and induction and deduction), at the empirical level (document analysis, interviews, and focus groups), as well as descriptive statistical techniques. A preliminary diagnosis of the initial state of the training of the Caribbean cultural identity of the teacher of English at the University of Pinar del Río was carried out. A theoretical-practical basis related to the training of the Caribbean cultural identity was presented that served to develop the set of six strategic pedagogical-didactic actions to better this process. The updating, redesign, methodological work, training, and evaluation actions were articulated in a coherent and systemic way and allow the training of the Caribbean cultural identity of the teacher of English at the above mentioned University.
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