Models, simulators and Software Engineering

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Sonia Itati Mariño
Pedro Luis Alfonzo


An interdisciplinary approach is presented, linking models, simulators and software engineering. In particular from the Software Engineering are addressed and adapted agility issues and the SWEBOK knowledge guide. The methodology, for the achievement of the proposal deals with the exploration of literature and an adaptation of SCRUM to assist in the management of educational projects and contribute to the teaching-learning process. In addition, the practices developed in a degree subject are explicit with the aim of achieving meaningful learning, focused on students oriented to project-based learning. It is concluded that the SWEBOK guide provides areas of knowledge that are addressed from the modelling and simulation of systems, contributing to significant learning through the appropriation and integration of disciplinary knowledge. In the future, other areas of knowledge in Software Engineering that would be linked to the proposed approach in the subject will be identified and analyzed focusing on the profile of students.


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Mariño, S. I., & Alfonzo, P. L. (2024). Models, simulators and Software Engineering . Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(4), e3599. Retrieved from


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