Limitations of mobile technology in the teaching learning process of English language

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Rogelio Robaina Pérez
Meivys Paez Paredes


Mobile technology has found a way into the classrooms, students have added to the school materials a wide variety of mobile devices of their liking therefore, so that teachers have lost protagonism. The purpose of this work is to disseminate the limitations in achieving the integration of mobile devices within the teaching learning process within the classroom to carry out a specific task, use certain app to favor motivation, snap a video among friends while speaking the language in a given situation, carried out with the students of first year in agronomy major from the University of Pinar del Rio. Theoretical methods as the historical analysis, induction-deduction; the systemic approach and analysis and synthesis were used in the research besides empiric methods such as document analysis, survey and observations to the student's performance in class, statistical techniques as percentage analysis were also used. Limitations in the use of technological devices of the students were detected and stated here while using m-learning as well and so invigorating the lessons with technology is also provided.


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How to Cite
Robaina Pérez, R., & Paez Paredes, M. (2022). Limitations of mobile technology in the teaching learning process of English language. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(3), 917–926. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Rogelio Robaina Pérez, "Universidad de Pinar del Río Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca"

Centro de Idiomas. Coordinador de formación

Meivys Paez Paredes, "Universidad de Pinar del Rio Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca"

Profesora investigadora del CECE


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