Intersectorality: a challenge for educational attention to school diversity in Mozambique

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Carlos Joao Figueiredo Canivete
Olivia García Reyes
Julio Antonio Conill Armenteros


The transformation process that the educational system in Mozambique is undergoing is aimed at complying with the sustainable development goals declared at a universal level. The human and social progress achieved highlights the challenge that educational attention to diversity implies in the context of the inclusive school. The actions developed led to the analysis of the foundations that support the objective of proposing a pedagogical conception for intersectoral work in educational attention to school diversity in Mozambique. The research methods used followed a descriptive-explanatory approach, supported by theoretical level methods, including historical-logical, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, structural-functional systemic and modeling; in addition to methods of the empirical level, such as documentary analysis, observation, interview, evaluation by expert criteria and the methodological triangulation technique, as well as the procedures of descriptive statistics based on the calculation of the index and inferential statistics for performing hypothesis tests; those that allowed to analyze, interpret and process the information related to the object of investigation, highlighting the role of intersectorality in the educational field as a social need. The pedagogical conception, with an intersectoral approach, reveals the participation of various government agencies and institutions in achieving quality educational care. The results obtained confirmed the need to treat aspects related to intersectorality.


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How to Cite
Figueiredo Canivete, C. J., García Reyes, O., & Conill Armenteros, J. A. (2022). Intersectorality: a challenge for educational attention to school diversity in Mozambique. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(3), 742–758. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Carlos Joao Figueiredo Canivete, Técnico del Ministerio de Educación y Desenvolvimiento Humano en Mozambique.

Licenciado en Educación Especial. Máster en Psicología Escolar.

Olivia García Reyes, Universidad de Pinar del Río “Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca”.

Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesora Titular. Licenciada en Educación. Máster en Educación Especial.

Julio Antonio Conill Armenteros, University of Pinar del Rio “Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca”

Dr.C. Pedagógicas. Licenciado en Educación. Especialidad Educación Especial.


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