The teaching-learning process of the Linguistic Studies: its impact on the motivation towards the study of the language
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Introduction: the teaching-learning process in school institutions is considered the center of the didactic research. Every educational intervention requires the support of scientific knowledge, offered in part by the different disciplines, in the complex educational processes of pedagogical careers.
Objective: this work aims to identify a study about the teaching-learning process of the discipline Linguistic Studies in the Spanish-Literature career and the impact it has on the motivation towards the study of the language and its structure with a professional approach.
Material and method:Theoretical methods: the dialectic, the historical, the logical, the systemic, structural-functional and the modeling and empirical methods: the observation of the teaching-learning process of the discipline Linguistic Studies, the documentary review and as applied techniques: surveys to students and teachers were used.
Results: strengths and weaknesses are detected in the teaching-learning process of the discipline Linguistic Studies in the Spanish-Literature career.
Conclusions: some elements related to a study related to the teaching-learning process of the discipline Linguistic Studies in the Spanish-Literature career and the impact that this has on the motivation towards the study of the language and its structure with professional approach are identified, aspect that taxes in the training of the specialist in language
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