How to study the evolution of language from a literary speech?

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Carmen de las Nieves Ramos García
Liliana Álvarez Alonso


The following article is about the intrinsic language - literature relation, manifested in the linguistic evolution, from which there are evidences in the literary documents of each epoch. F urthermore th ere is an emphasis on the importance of dealing with this relation from the didactic view point, in a way that it influences in a better formation of professionals, who will carry out the teaching - learning process of language in high school, where the ling uistic and literary contents are aspects of a stressed priority.


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Ramos García, C. de las N., & Álvarez Alonso, L. (2012). How to study the evolution of language from a literary speech?. Mendive. Journal on Education, 11(1), 11–17. Retrieved from


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