The family as a cornerstone for education

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Kety Roque Cala
Milagros Páez Rovira
Heydi Cantillo Vento
Nidia Echavarria Bustamante


Family plays an important role in the integral development of children. It is the intermediary level between s o ciety and man. It ́s the principal cell and nucleus where interesting problems emerge, at the same time it work as the main agent and a way of action for the community work . Family has an irreplaceable place in society, because it provides the birth of new generations. Concerning its members, family should educate in principles and moral behaviours; preparing the conditions for their future.


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Roque Cala, K., Páez Rovira, M., Cantillo Vento, H., & Echavarria Bustamante, N. (2012). The family as a cornerstone for education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(4), 323–328. Retrieved from


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