Pedagogical conception for the formation of professional pedagogical skills in the Bachelor's Degree in Special Education

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Liuska Hernández Estrada
Sayuris González Reyes
Xiomara Sánchez Valdés
Alicia María Gilimas Siles


The search for quality standards in the training of professionals is an international consensus of Higher Education institutions. The Cuban university conceives educational excellence through responses to social problems. As part of the demands of the community of visually impaired people, limitations are declared in the orientation and mobility of their associates, which hinders their autonomy and quality of life. In order to respond scientifically, a study was carried out with the support of theoretical level methods, such as analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, systemic structural functional and modeling; at the empirical level: document analysis, scientific observation, interview and expert consultation (Delphy). All with the objective of proposing a pedagogical conception to contribute to the formation of professional pedagogical skills in the students of the Bachelor's Degree in Special Education at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", for the orientation and mobility of students with visual impairment. The results allowed proposing three scientific ideas centered on an intersectional approach, which emphasizes the formation of professional pedagogical skills linked to interdisciplinary-intersectorial, metacognitive work and with the use of simulation as a method for self-management and the development of skills: interpreting clinical diagnosis, characterizing, modeling and directing. A methodology containing recommendations, stages and examples is proposed for its implementation. The experts agree on the high theoretical-practical value of the proposal.


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How to Cite
Hernández Estrada, L., González Reyes, S., Sánchez Valdés, X., & Gilimas Siles, A. M. (2024). Pedagogical conception for the formation of professional pedagogical skills in the Bachelor’s Degree in Special Education . Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(4), e3973. Retrieved from


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