Creativity and innovation: premises for the performance of the future agricultural engineer

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Gregory Ramón Valdés Paneca


The article aims to present a methodology to promote the development of the creative mode of action in the students of the Agronomy career from the teaching-learning process of the main integrative discipline Agricultural Production. It was derived from an investigation with a predominantly qualitative methodological approach, which used systematization as a method, combined with sessions and in-depth interviews with teachers and students, participant observation and documentary analysis. The methods applied led to the construction of a methodology that is distinguished by offering procedures focused on the use of the problems declared in the career professional model, from the use of the different agricultural training scenarios, with a collective communication that favors the acquisition of creative learning strategies. The transformations are specified in the necessary synergy that must be achieved between the components of the teaching-learning process (professional problems, objectives, contents, average methods, evaluation, forms of organization, student, teacher, group) to favor motivation, originality and self-determination of student.


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How to Cite
Valdés Paneca, G. R. (2022). Creativity and innovation: premises for the performance of the future agricultural engineer. Mendive. Journal on Education, 20(4), 1176–1189. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Gregory Ramón Valdés Paneca, Universidad de Sancti Spiritus José Martí Pérez

Universidad de Sancti Spiritus

Facultad Agropecuaria Profesor Auxiliar


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