Family and formation: starting and arrival point for the young university student

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Katia María Pérez Pacheco
Teresa de la C. Díaz Domínguez
Anselmo Vázquez Vázquez


This article determines the role of the professional training process to prepare the young university students to build their own family from the students ́ pe rspectives. The methods: General Dialectical; Historical Logic; Systemic - Structural. The empirical methods used: Observation, Interview, Survey, Focus Group. The sample consists of 150 students. Main Results: they haven ́t received any previous preparation on the theme, on the preceding levels of education, the information arrives mainly through parents and friends, It is placed among the first places on their motivational hierarchy, it ́s a long or short term objective on their life project, with high level of importance on their academic performance for the repercussion of uncertainty, doubts, conflicts of this area on their general development, the need to prepare for it, during their formation. It is suggested extracurricular workshops to fulfill their training on the theme.


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How to Cite
Pérez Pacheco, K. M., Díaz Domínguez, T. de la C., & Vázquez Vázquez, A. (2015). Family and formation: starting and arrival point for the young university student. Mendive. Journal on Education, 13(3), 377–385. Retrieved from


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