A historical view to the process of teaching and learning of English. Its importance for the treatment of vocabulary

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Osniel Pérez Morejón


In this article the author makes an analysis from the tendency point regarding the teaching and learning of English, allowing systematize the main contributions of each of the approaches that have prevailed and thus verify that the studies of language and its teaching have been an underlying concern for researchers of linguistic field, thanks to which it is now possible to route the pedagogical work towards a didactic speech, where communication is a priority, as it is science proven that all treatment linguistic structures must obey specific contexts of communication, key to the development of vocabulary in any language, this markup inter est in this case. This means new looks to design tasks under the lexical structures develop students.


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Pérez Morejón, O. (2014). A historical view to the process of teaching and learning of English. Its importance for the treatment of vocabulary. Mendive. Journal on Education, 12(2), 165–172. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/657


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