Brief characterization abou t the introduction of the scale

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Teresa Mesa Calzada
Daniel Rojas Plasencia
Mercedes Camejo Puente


The measure work has an immediate use in the scale, content introduced in 4th grade of elementary school, where it is necessary that the students get familiar with this concept. Therefore the current work has as a main objective: to contribute to the achievement of the learning and the fulfilment of the demanding of the Math syllabus in the grade, related to such content. In this direction some elements are added in order to better the concept treatment, creating in the students conditions that allow their formation and preparation for life, understanding quantitative and qualitative their environment.


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How to Cite
Mesa Calzada, T., Rojas Plasencia, D., & Camejo Puente, M. (2013). Brief characterization abou t the introduction of the scale. Mendive. Journal on Education, 11(3), 328–332. Retrieved from


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