Contributions of Masters programs that are taught at the Pedagogical Univers ity “Rafael Maria de Mendive” to the development of the scientific potential of Pinar del Rio province

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Nilda Castiñeiras Fuentes
Ángel Evangelio Treche del Rosario
Oneida Marín Cándano


The master degree as a n upgrading form, favors raising the scientific level of professional education by encouraging their full professional performance and the application of scientific method to the solution of the problems of edu cational practice. Specifically, the distance mode of the Master of Science in Education raised the possibility of a significant group of teachers. The culmination of studies of these programs provides research results that are related to professional per formance and are theor etical and practic al referents for the preparation of other teachers . In this article an exploratory and documentary study was performed about Masters and Principles’ criteria until May 2012 to demonstrate the significance of the mas ter's programs that are developed at the Pedagogical University “ Rafael María de Mendive ” in the growth of the scientific potential of Pinar del Rio province and its potential ities in the introduction of scientific results achieved so far in solving the pr oblems of educational practice.


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How to Cite
Castiñeiras Fuentes, N., Treche del Rosario, Ángel E., & Marín Cándano, O. (2013). Contributions of Masters programs that are taught at the Pedagogical Univers ity “Rafael Maria de Mendive” to the development of the scientific potential of Pinar del Rio province. Mendive. Journal on Education, 11(2), 245–251. Retrieved from


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