Understanding mathematical and physical concepts: a diagnostic study in Latin American universities students

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Juan Silvio Cabrera Albert
Roberto Barrera Jiménez
Paulina Marlen Oliva


The success of university students during the first years of their studies in higher education has become one of the main challenges for the educational sy stem in many countries. Studies carried out lately show that mathematics and physics are among the subjects that mainly provoke the failure among engineering and science students. To contribute to the solution of such problem, in the present article the au thors try to find out the main academic causes that influence on the students’ results during the first years of their studies at university. The study includes a diagnosis of mathematical and physical conceptual knowledge as well as the cognitive and meta cognitive level reached by students that enter different Ibero-American universities. Based on the study of starting and final results in this direction, the authors try to establish the students’ profile in order to contribute to their academic success.


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How to Cite
Cabrera Albert, J. S., Barrera Jiménez, R., & Marlen Oliva, P. (2011). Understanding mathematical and physical concepts: a diagnostic study in Latin American universities students. Mendive. Journal on Education, 10(1), 24–40. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/507


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