The use of project method in the class of elementary school English

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Arturo Pulido Díaz
Elvis Loadmis Prieto Silva


This work is a learning experience, as a result of the implementation of the project method in the direction of the teaching-learning English, with students from 6th grade of primary education in the province of Pinar del Río. With the application of the method achieved a high motivation toward learning the English language and contributed to the development of critical and reflective thinking. Students felt as real protagonists of the learning process. an alternative methodological procedure appears in the body of work, used by the English teacher and students during the experience


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How to Cite
Pulido Díaz, A., & Prieto Silva, E. L. (2003). The use of project method in the class of elementary school English. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(4), 226–230. Retrieved from


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