Preparing teachers to care for students with behavioral disorders
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The 21st century faces various changes, challenges and challenges at a global level, which imply the protection of human beings, so that its perfection from the educational policy is opportune. The historical considerations and theoretical and methodological references of the Primary School Model in Cuba are established, as well as the challenges of teacher preparation today and the attention to students with behavioral disorders in the regular context, as part of the organization of this specialty of Special Education. The objective was to present an educational strategy for the preparation of teachers at the Primary educational level for the attention to students with behavioral disorders; it was based on theoretical level methods such as: historical-logical, analytical-synthetic, inductive-deductive, system approach and modeling. As empirical level methods, observation, documentary analysis, survey, teacher interviews, and specialist criteria were used. Observation was developed to learn about the preparation of teachers in the process of attention to students with behavioral disorders. It was also subjected to evaluation by specialists. The main result was the strategy structured in: foundations, characteristics, principles and stages (diagnosis, planning, execution, control and evaluation), which complement each other, with their corresponding specific objectives, actions, human and material resources, those responsible and methodological suggestions. Its feasibility of application and relevance in practice in the municipality of Regla was confirmed, corroborating the positive transformations of reality.
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