Development of logical-mathematical thinking in the Computer Engineering career

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Claudia Permuy Díaz
Meivys Páez Paredes
Reinaldo Meléndez Ruiz


In a world where technology advances rapidly, professionals are needed who are prepared to face the challenges that arise in innovative ways. For the computer engineer, having a proper development of logical-mathematical thinking makes it possible to solve the wide variety of problems that arise in today's society in a creative way. In the present research, an analysis of the development of logical-mathematical thinking was carried out in the Computer Engineering course at the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". The theoretical methods used were: historical-logical analysis, systematization, modelling and systemic-structural; empirical methods: survey, scientific observation, documentary analysis and consultation of specialists; statistical methods, the use of statistical, descriptive and inferential techniques in the processing of information. Two dimensions were established: teacher action and student action, with their respective dimensions for the diagnostic study, which presented evidence of the existing shortcomings in the teaching process-learning, to achieve a proper development of logical-mathematical thinking in the computer engineer, although its importance is recognized for training a professional with solid preparation.


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How to Cite
Permuy Díaz, C., Páez Paredes, M., & Meléndez Ruiz, R. (2025). Development of logical-mathematical thinking in the Computer Engineering career . Mendive. Journal on Education, 23(1), e3902 . Retrieved from


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