System of learning strategies for value formation through TICON THROUGH TIC

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Perla Elizabeth Ventura Ramos
Ventura Ramos Memije Alarcón
Jesús Zaratoga Martínez


The use of ICTs has both positive and negative effects on the formation of values in young people. The article aims to present the results of documentary research on the state of the problem and the importance of value formation through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), particularly in young students in the first year of the law degree at the Faculty of Law, Chilpancingo of the Autonomous University of Guerrero (UAGro). A non-probabilistic convenience sampling design was used to assess the frequency and level of application use with which first-year law students at UAGro use ICTs. Research methods such as analysis-synthesis, inductive, deductive and descriptive, logical historical, the method of documentation study, and empirical methods such as observation, teacher interviews, and student surveys were applied. Descriptive statistics were also applied, which enabled quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the data. The main result was the System of Learning Strategies for Value Formation through ICT. As conclusions, the importance of technological media or tools in value formation, especially in young students, was corroborated, especially the promotion of effective, creative, innovative, constructive, and critical thinking in the face of their environment.


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Ventura Ramos, P. E., Memije Alarcón, V. R., & Zaratoga Martínez, J. (2024). System of learning strategies for value formation through TICON THROUGH TIC. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(2), e3770. Retrieved from


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