Student Empowerment in Learning Assessment and Social Justice in Higher Education

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Marisol del Carmen Álvarez Cisternas


As a result of the 2020 pandemic, an unexpected change occurred in university teaching, which mobilized higher education institutions to make a change in the way in-person teaching was conceived and consequently mobilized institutions towards a new educational paradigm, moving from face-to-face models to hybrid teaching and learning models with synchronous and asynchronous classes. This study aims to describe and analyze the impact of the implementation of evaluation strategies based on the empowerment and active participation of students. The methodology addressed complies with a qualitative approach with case studies. The results obtained show that the commitment of the students, from an evaluation process, which required them to make decisions, has a positive impact showing their expectations of academic achievement. Therefore, it is concluded that the possibility of generating and agreeing with the evaluation students in accordance with the learning results formally established in the program and the syllabus, promoting social justice at the time of evaluation, having each and every possibility to achieve the expected learning, it mobilized them towards a collective commitment among their peers, as well as the confidence of achieving the expected performances. The possibility of going beyond traditional tests, giving space to the generation of other products or evidence that confirms the achievement of learning implied placing students at the center of their own learning.


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How to Cite
Álvarez Cisternas, M. del C. (2023). Student Empowerment in Learning Assessment and Social Justice in Higher Education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3691. Retrieved from
Author Biography

Marisol del Carmen Álvarez Cisternas, University of the Americas, Directorate of Teaching Development, Faculty of Education. Chili.

Facultad de educación Docente Postgrados


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