The universalization of the university: graduate experience level of the town of Mantua in the fields of education and agriculture

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Reinaldo Meléndez Ruiz
Reinaldo Meléndez Laza


The universalization of the University is a priority of Cuban education. Bringing scientific staff to municipalities is to bring science and development to these. How to implement a system of overcoming postgraduate professionals Education and Agriculture in the distant town of the tall houses of scientific study? .A Approach to the answers to these questions are addressed in this work.


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How to Cite
Meléndez Ruiz, R., & Meléndez Laza, R. (2003). The universalization of the university: graduate experience level of the town of Mantua in the fields of education and agriculture. Mendive. Journal on Education, 1(3), 197–204. Retrieved from


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