Perspectives of inclusive education from the Provincial Directorate of Education

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Sandra Ramírez Hernández
Olivia García Reyes
Liset Rivera Verdecia


Carrying out a process of quality educational inclusion in today's societies constitutes a challenge that starts from fighting discriminatory ways of exclusion in different contexts and for dissimilar causes, in which risk factors concur in parallel, the lack of preparation of those involved in the search for solutions and the assimilation of the students before the aid. In this sense the article presents a study about the preparation of provincial education methodologists for the care of students in vulnerable situations from an inclusive approach. Theoretical methods such as historical-logical analysis, induction-deduction and analysis-synthesis were used in its elaboration; empirical methods such as documentary analysis, interview and observation of methodological activities; and statistical techniques such as percentage analysis. Among the main limitations found were the insufficiencies in the projection of inclusive socio-educational practices from the methodological work system of the Provincial Directorate of Education; currently, there is no harmoniously designed system that allows converting educational systems in response to the diversity of learners and making the right to education with equal opportunities truly practical, especially those who are sometimes excluded due to being in a situation of vulnerability. It was possible to conclude that methodologists play a fundamental role in directing the process of prevention, detection, stimulation, diagnosis/evaluation and early intervention of students with barriers to learning and social participation.


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How to Cite
Ramírez Hernández, S., García Reyes, O., & Rivera Verdecia, L. (2023). Perspectives of inclusive education from the Provincial Directorate of Education. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3554. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Olivia García Reyes, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca". Cuba

Profesora Titular. Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas.

Liset Rivera Verdecia, Tony Alomá Special School. La Palma Municipality. Pinar del Río. Cuba

Licenciada en Educación Especial. Directora de la Escuela Especial Tony Alomá.


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