Mediation in the textual comprehension of students with autism spectrum disorder

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Rocío Hernández Acosta
Giselvis Aguiar Aguiar
Olivia García Reyes


To favor the process of comprehension of texts in students with autism spectrum disorder, it is necessary to start from the conception that every individual has the capacity to learn and develop in different fields, it is enough that the appropriate resources are used. In response to this problem, research is carried out that aims to argue particular ideas and points of view about the peculiar nature of the text comprehension process in the education of students with autism spectrum disorder, from a cultural-historical position, which claims of an organization that takes into account social and instrumental mediation. In its development, theoretical-level methods such as analytical-synthetic, induction-deduction, hypothetical-deductive, observation and interview were taken into account, as well as those corresponding to descriptive and inferential statistics that allowed collecting, interpreting and process the information related to the subject. It is also intended to assess the process of text comprehension from a socio-communicative perspective that favors the social inclusion of students with autism spectrum disorder.


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How to Cite
Hernández Acosta, R., Aguiar Aguiar, G., & García Reyes, O. (2023). Mediation in the textual comprehension of students with autism spectrum disorder. Mendive. Journal on Education, 22(1), e3552. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Rocío Hernández Acosta, Diagnostic and Guidance Center. MINED. Pinar del Río Municipality. Cuba

Lic. en Educación Logopedia, Directora del Centro de Diagnostico y Orientación

Giselvis Aguiar Aguiar, Florida Child Care Agency. Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy Agency "Learning ABA". USA

Master in Education Sciences. Specialty: Special Education. Clinical Director. Clinic Departament

Olivia García Reyes, University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". Cuba

Dr.C. Pedagógicas. MSc. Psicologìa Educativa. Licenciada en Educación. Especialidad Educación Especial. Vicedecana de Investigación Facultad de Educación Infantil


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