Integration of administration focuses at level of Ability in the University of Cienfuegos

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Damayse Ramona Pérez Fernández
Raúl Alpízar Fernández
Orquídea Urquiola Sánchez
Liliam Melisa Curbelo Capote


The implementation of administration systems with strategic focus and guided to the quality and the integration of the processes, it constitutes a priority in the projections of work of the Ministry of Superior Education. The investigation had as objective improve system of administration of the Ability of Economic Sciences of the University of Cienfuegos starting from the application of procedures that allows to link the focus to processes and with the relative to the strategic address. Theoretical and empiric methods were used, including technical and tools of the Industrial Engineering and other specialties tune as: the analysis and the synthesis of the obtained information, inductive-deductive, the dynamics of groups, statistical methods and tools contained in such focuses as the strategic address and the focus to processes. The fundamental results of the obtained investigation are centered in: the strategic design of Ability of Economic Sciences, the adjustment of the process maps and strategic, the improvement of the technical records of administration indicators and the development of the proposal of a square of control integral for the studied Ability.


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How to Cite
Pérez Fernández, D. R., Alpízar Fernández, R., Urquiola Sánchez, O., & Curbelo Capote, L. M. (2023). Integration of administration focuses at level of Ability in the University of Cienfuegos. Mendive. Journal on Education, 21(2), e3254. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Damayse Ramona Pérez Fernández, Universidad de Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez"

Jefe de grupo de Organización, Planificación, Control de la Universidad de Cienfuegos. Profesor Auxiliar del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial de esta Universidad

Raúl Alpízar Fernández, Universidad de Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez"

Profesor Titular del Centro de Estudios de Didáctica y Dirección de la Educación Superior(CEDDES) de la Universidad de Cienfuegos.

Orquídea Urquiola Sánchez, Universidad de Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez"

Rectora de Universidad de Cienfuegos. Profesor Titular del Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial

Liliam Melisa Curbelo Capote, Universidad de Cienfuegos "Carlos Rafael Rodríguez"

Estudiante de Quinto año de la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial. Estudiante miembro de grupo científico estudiantil.


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