Pedagogical proposal of interdisciplinary projects to increase cognitive development

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Hernán Santiago Crespo Ávila
Janneth Verónica Chumaña Suquillo


The development of projects based on cooperative work that promote cognitive and emotional development and the achievement of the objectives of the teaching-learning process is increasingly a pedagogical strategy extended at different educational levels. The development of the curricula of basic education in Ecuador still does not promote the above, so the generation of proposals in this regard is novel and useful. The objective of this research was to design a pedagogical proposal for the development of interdisciplinary projects that favor the cognitive development of third-year students of basic education of the Private Educational Unit "Borja", Cuenca, Ecuador. As part of the proposal, the methodological principles to be considered, the objective, methodological scheme, organization of the interdisciplinary project and the evaluation were established. A project proposal called "Playing I learn" was designed in order to improve academic results, student integration in cooperative work and promote interdisciplinary work between the subjects of English and Cultural and Artistic Education, whose implementation in the institution will allow progress in the change in the pedagogical models that have characterized the Ecuadorian educational system and that do not tend to interdisciplinary, cooperative and meaningful learning work.


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How to Cite
Crespo Ávila, H. S., & Chumaña Suquillo, J. V. (2021). Pedagogical proposal of interdisciplinary projects to increase cognitive development. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(4), 1203–1215. Retrieved from


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