Educational tasks with GeoGebra in the Mathematical Superior I to Accounting and Finances/Tareas docentes con GeoGebra en la Matemática Superior I para Contabilidad y Finanzas

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Manuel Capote Castillo
Ildefonso Robaina Acosta
Marisol Capote Areces


The current development claims the formation of competent professionals able to use the scientific and technological development. In this investigation the historical-logical, hypothetical-deductive, systemic-structural methods, documental analysis, observation, pedagogic tests and statistical methods were applied. The carried out diagnosis allowed to detect insufficient academic results in the students of this career in three successive school courses, as well as that the use of the computer resources is limited in the process of teaching learning of the Mathematical Superior I. The objective of this paper consists on proposing a system of educational tasks with the use of the GeoGebra in the process of teaching learning of the Mathematical Superior I in the career Licentiate in Accounting and Finances of the course for encounters of the Municipal University Center of Consolación del Sur that allows to elevate the quality of the learning in these students. These tasks were characterized to use the GeoGebra like half of teaching learning, learning object and work tool, establishing excellent bonds among the mathematical contents of this subject with the relatives to the professional profile keeping in mind the individual differences of the students. In the instrumentation of the educational tasks computers, telephones and pills were used. When introducing the tasks in the practice you could verify that the students reached improved outcomes in relation with those obtained in the three previous courses.


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How to Cite
Capote Castillo, M., Robaina Acosta, I., & Capote Areces, M. (2021). Educational tasks with GeoGebra in the Mathematical Superior I to Accounting and Finances/Tareas docentes con GeoGebra en la Matemática Superior I para Contabilidad y Finanzas. Mendive. Journal on Education, 19(3), 809–820. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Manuel Capote Castillo, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Dr.C. Pedagógicas. Licenciada en Educación. Especialidad Matemática.

Ildefonso Robaina Acosta, Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca"

Dr.C. Pedagógicas. Licenciada en Educación. Especialidad Matemática.

Marisol Capote Areces, Dirección Municipal de Educación. Consolación del Sur

Metodóloga de Informática de la Dirección Municipal Educación. Cons


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