Didactic treatment of "keywords" in solving arithmetic problems

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Manuel Capote Castillo
Luis Martínez Hondares


In this article a critical analysis is made of the diverse theoretical approaches there are on the influence of the employment of those “key words” when selecting the operation to solve an arithmetic problem. It is illustrated by means of examples, the convenience of the non application in explicit form, of the work with these words, when solving an arithmetic problem, as it is usual in the Spanish Language. It is offered indications of how to give the didactic treatment to these words when solving an arithmetic problem, due to the very specific characteristics that this text type has, which differs from others employed in other contexts.


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How to Cite
Capote Castillo, M., & Martínez Hondares, L. (2006). Didactic treatment of "keywords" in solving arithmetic problems. Mendive. Journal on Education, 5(1), 18–23. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/198


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Colectivo de autores (1989): Orientaciones metodológicas, Segundo grado, tomo 2, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, C. Habana.

Colectivo de autores (1989): Orientaciones metodológicas, Sexto grado, Ciencias, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, C. Habana.

Colectivo de autores (1990): Orientaciones metodológicas, Tercer grado, tomo 2, Editorial Pueblo y Educación, C. Habana.

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