Welding skill in head position: system of actions for development
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At the center of the problems that are investigated in Technical and Professional Education is the development of professional skills in the process of practical teaching of welding, in the context polytechnic school-productive entity, with the purpose of competent training of the force of qualified work for its insertion in the contemporary work world. The objective of this work was to present a system of actions for the development of the ability to weld in head position, welding, in the first-year students of the Specialized Workers in Welding specialty, in the First May Polytechnic Center of Pinar del Río. The research process was carried out on a dialectical-materialistic basis and methods of the theoretical level and the empirical level were used such as historical-logical, inductive-deductive, analysis-synthesis, modeling, system approach, observation, the documentary analysis and the interview, which allowed a theoretical and practical assessment of the educational reality and the proposal of the system of actions. This result contributed to the preparation of the students to face the professional problems that demand the field of action of the specialty.
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