Technological tool to support skills training of skills in students with intellectual disabilities
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Special education is due to the preparation of the child with intellectual disability for life, where the training of skills is a primary need. As a response to this problem, research is conducted, which aims to establish a technological tool to support the formation of skills in children with intellectual disabilities, which serve as support for the work of the teacher. In its development methods of the theoretical level were used, such as analytical-synthetic, induction-deduction; and from the empirical level, such as the documentary analysis, observation and interview, as well as those corresponding to descriptive and inferential statistics that allowed compiling, interpreting and processing the information related to the subject. As a result, a computer application is obtained, which contributes to the formation skills in students with intellectual disabilities, providing a range of functionalities that facilitate the development of activities related to facilitated language, phonemic processes, recognition of objects in the daily life, the interaction with the family with corrective and / or compensatory character. It allows the interaction of the student with the computer application, always with the presence of the teacher using levels of help that provide success in the learning of skills, evaluating their performance.
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