Family orientation activities for the development of the skill conversing in the pre-school age

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Belkis Moreno Corrales
Julio Antonio Conill Armenteros
Ramón González Calero


The need to orient the family on the development of the pre-school girl and boy skill in conversation and the inadequacies in the theoretical and methodological order to conceive the developing educational process, in the conditions of the home, are the motives that lead to the elaboration of a proposal for family orientation activities aimed at this end. As a starting point, an assessment is made of the different positions in the study and orientation of the development of the ability to converse, investigating the current situation through observation of the children and the survey of the parents, in addition to an interview that was applied to the parents to verify the effectiveness of the actions developed. The proposal contains a set of educational orientations, conceived with a direct, clear and accessible language; seen through all the procedures that are considered to give treatment to this important communicative ability, in the conditions of the home. In this sense, the development of the ability is facilitated in a timely, conscious and planned manner, while at the same time favouring the protagonism of the family. All of this makes it possible to encourage parents to play an educational role based on their active character in the education and development of their child, as well as providing valuable reference material for researchers or other people interested in this subject.


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How to Cite
Moreno Corrales, B., Conill Armenteros, J. A., & González Calero, R. (2019). Family orientation activities for the development of the skill conversing in the pre-school age. Mendive. Journal on Education, 17(3), 437–453. Retrieved from
Author Biographies

Belkis Moreno Corrales, Sede Universitaria Municipal de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Municipio Mantua

CUM Mantua.Profesora

Julio Antonio Conill Armenteros, Universidad de Pinar del Río ¨Hermanos Saíz Monte de Ocas¨

Facultad de Educación Injfantil. Decano

Ramón González Calero, Sede Universitaria Municipal de la Universidad de Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca", Municipio Mantua

CUM Mantua. Director


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