Didactic concept of integration of knowledge in thecareer of Environmental Engineering

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Arturo Andrés Hernández Escobar


Professional training in thecareer of EnvironmentalEngineering, StateUniversity of southern Manabí, Republic of Ecuador, claimingitscontinuousimprovement to achieveexcellencegraduate. Theaim of theworkis to support a didactic concept fortheintegration of knowledge at thelevel of basic training CareerEnvironmentalEngineering. Fromthedidactic concept proposedenvironmental training isenhancedstudent, forwhich a non-experimental design, qualitative in developingthemethodologywasapplied. themethod of analysis and synthesis, as well as theliteraturereviewwasused. Theanalysis, from a didactic concept, allowsyou to design a methodologyforintegratingknowledge in thecourseIntroduction to theStudy of EnvironmentalSciences, which has theresponsibility to initiatetheprocess of identifyingstudentswiththeexercise of theprofession, and therefore rectorar theprocess of integratingtherest of thesubjectstaught at thatlevel, as themostappropriateway to taxprofessional to be trainedprofile. employmentisrecommendedbytheteaching staff of academicstudy, a system of activities favorable set of allsubjectsworkfromaninterdisciplinaryconception to organicallyintegrateitscontentsaboutthetransverse axis of EnvironmentalEducation, structured in threedimensions, curricular, extracurricular and community and contextualized in the inclusive educationprojectlevel training.


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How to Cite
Hernández Escobar, A. A. (2017). Didactic concept of integration of knowledge in thecareer of Environmental Engineering. Mendive. Journal on Education, 15(2), 143–158. Retrieved from https://mendive.upr.edu.cu/index.php/MendiveUPR/article/view/1043
Author Biography

Arturo Andrés Hernández Escobar, Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí

Ingeniero Ambiental. Doctor en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Profesor Titular Principal


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